Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Todays tips.

They are no qualifying Horses today as per our filter.


Yesterday's Result.

Towc 26th Mar - 15:00 3m Hcap Chs Jolly Boys Outing
1st position. Bet Lost -4.9 points

Towc 26th Mar - 15:30 3m Hcap Hrd Counting House 4.4
3rd position. Bet WON 1ponits.

Points earned= -3.9

net points b/f = -3.33

Monday, March 26, 2012

TIPS for Monday 26th MARCH, 2012

Towc 26th Mar - 15:00 3m Hcap Chs Jolly Boys Outing 5.9

Towc 26th Mar - 15:30 3m Hcap Hrd Counting House 4.4

we have only 2 qualifying horses today as we have tightened our
filter to produce better result.

see you later with the result.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Result for todays Races.

Ling 24th Mar - 13:50 1m2f Mdn Stks Dark Stranger 4.7
Position 1 Bet Lost - 3.7 points

Newb 24th Mar - 15:10 2m Nov Hrd War Singer 4.6
4th Bet Won 1 point

Strat 24th Mar - 16:20 2m Hcap Hrd Daaloob 5.9
4th Bet Won 1 point

Newb 24th Mar - 16:50 1m4f NHF Snake Eyes 2.84
Horse withdrawn, so all bets cancelled on Betfair.

Strat 24th Mar - 17:25 2m6f Hcap Hrd Kingsmere 3.65
Results 1st. We Lost! -2.65 points.

Bang 24th Mar - 17:35 2m1f NHF Horace 4.6
6th Bet won. 1 Point.

Net for the day: -3.35
Total points b/f = 0.57

Yesterday's Result / Toadys Tips.

Newb 23rd Mar - 14:10 2m5f Mdn Hrd Curtain Razer 4.2
Result: Horse came 4th, so we won 1point.

Sedge 23rd Mar - 14:50 2m4f Hcap Hrd Authentic Act 5.9
Horse came 5th. Won 1 point

Newb 23rd Mar - 15:15 3m Hcap Hrd Desert Joe 5.4
Horse came 7th Won 1 point

Newb 23rd Mar - 17:00 3m Hunt Chs Description 4.6
Horse FAILED. Could not even finish race. won 1 point

Total for the day 4 points.

Total points b/f 4.00

This is how the point system works. A point is 2% of your bank or capital. That is what you should stake. Assuming this is $10, it means we won $10 x 4.00 = $40 yesterday.

Today's Picks 24/3/12

Ling 24th Mar - 13:50 1m2f Mdn Stks Dark Stranger 4.7
Newb 24th Mar - 15:10 2m Nov Hrd War Singer 4.6
Strat 24th Mar - 16:20 2m Hcap Hrd Daaloob 5.9
Newb 24th Mar - 16:50 1m4f NHF Snake Eyes 2.84
Strat 24th Mar - 17:25 2m6f Hcap Hrd Kingsmere 3.65
Bang 24th Mar - 17:35 2m1f NHF Horace 4.6

Result later.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Todays Horses to LAY.

23/3/12 4 Horses.

Newb 23rd Mar - 14:10 2m5f Mdn Hrd Curtain Razer 4.2

Sedge 23rd Mar - 14:50 2m4f Hcap Hrd Authentic Act 5.9

Newb 23rd Mar - 15:15 3m Hcap Hrd Desert Joe 5.4

Newb 23rd Mar - 17:00 3m Hunt Chs Description 4.6

For some that may be confused, lets take the first pick above. Newb is the race place, 23rd the date, 14.10 the time of the race, 2m 5f the distance, Curtain Razer the name of the horse and 4.20 the Odd or the LAY Price at the time I made the selection.

So what is important here for you is the Place, time, horse name and price. you will take the price available on betfair site when you log in, but make sure you do not LAY above 6.00. no exception tot his rule. We are limiting our liabililty to 6.00 as we do not want a horse coming in and making us loose much money e.g. 12.00. So we are limiting our liablilty here to 6.00. hope you now understand this.

I will post the result by morrow morning.

Good luck.

Pls Note: We would loose sometimes as there is no system that is perfect or foul proof or then we would not be living in this world. That said, I want you to however note that we will win more than we loose, so making us a profit at the end of the day. That is how this operate.


I want this to be a separate post because of its importance. Its very short and I could have added it to my earlier posts today, but hey no, this is absolutely important.

This is meant to safeguard your capital / Bank at Betfair. Without your bank, you can not do anything on Betfair. the picks will be absolutely nothing. But with your bank, you can be making money daily via our picks. That si why it is so important to safeguard it.

Below are the simple rules we must follow.

1) Your amount per every LAY BET should not be more than 2% of your bank. E.g. If your capital / bank is $100, 2% shall be $2. This is the amount you will use per each bet. It will be a fixed amount each day. No more than 2%!

2) All Horses that will LAY will never exceed the 6.00 odd mark. That is, the Lay ODD will not be more than 6.00 on Betfair when you place your bet. If more than 6.00, please pass on.
I will not send you any pick that is priced at more than 6.00, but what happens is that sometimes after i have made my selection, the Horse in question may drift (i.e. the price may go up, meaning many people are feeling this horse will surely not win the race).

Just yesterday a horse I laid at 4.10, by the time I checked again some few hours later, it was now priced at 7.10. When this happens, it is an opportunity to guaranteed your profit without even the race taking off. What you do is use the LAY Calculator that is available at:


Enter the lay amount and amount in the calculator and also the new back price. Then it will show you an amount to back at that price to have a guaranteed profit irrespective of the outcome fo the race, this is sweet pot and you will find this happening many times. what happened to me yesterday was that because I layed the minimum amount at Betfair (US$4 or £2), I could not possible back at the same minimum price. But luckily for me, the Horse lost and I won my whole Lay bet amount. But if you Layed at a higher amount, and the opportunity present itself to take your profit before the race, always do so.

These are the rules for now. I will add more here if i find the need for more.

For Those Who Want to Make Money at BETFAIR..

If you are new to this and have never earned a dime at BETFAIR.COM, then this is your lucky day. You are going to make money with us. Just follow the simple step below.


1) Click on the banner that reads "Join Betfair Now!" and open an account at BETFAIR.com. It is free to do so. By going through the link, you will be able to get $35 free from Betfair because I am the one referring you. Do not remove the code HTM44LYPK which will be on the line where it reads "Do you have a Promotion or "Refer and Earn" code?" The code is already entered if you click on the banner on this Blog, but in case it is not there, add the code HTM44LYPK and make sure it is there when you submit your form. With this you get $35 free after you fund your acct and bets for a few days with BETFAIR. Easy and free money for you which you can use to make more on Betfair following our tips.

2) After you have opened your acct following step 1, you need to fund your acct with at least $100. The funding methods are on the site after you register. Use any funding method that you like.

3) Daily check here in the morning period (9 - 11 am GMT / LONDON Time) for my daily picks.

4) Log into your Betfair Account and place the LAY bets.
To do so, click on the SPORTS link, then Horse Racing - Today's card. You will see the races I have selected and the respective horses. Just CLICK on the Lay button to place the LAY bets. It must be in the win market only, not on the PLACE market.

For the LAY side to appear, you must tick the "Back and Lay" button.

See the Horse name and the click the LAY side on the horse name and complete your bet. Just enter the amount you are Betting and submit. that is it. The lay amount should be 2% of your BATFAIR account balance. E.g. If you have $100 in your acct, the lay bet should be $2. If $500, lay bet should be $5 and so on. Do not risk more than 2% of your BANK in any bet. That is one of our RULES.

Later in the day after the race, you can check the result at www.sportinglife.com racing link and see full results. You can also check your betfair balance and see what happened. I will also post the results here the following morning along with the new picks for the new day.

But I will do this here for the time while I am preparing our new membership site for those who want to subscribe to our tipping service.

Hope you make money with this free before we finish our website. Good luck.

Good to Be BACK for Good !!!!!

Oh how time flies. To think that I last posted here about a year ago, is amazing. It still looks like yesterday.

Well I will try to cut my story short. During the past 1 year, I have been creating different systems to earn money on Betfair. This is one HELL of a site - the Money / Traffic is already, you just need to find a way to tap into the Gold mine. Since I discovered this, this has been my dream.

And that dream is now being realized. Like I was saying, over the past 1 year, I was on a kind of sabbatical trying and testing many systems. Some worked, some did not!

But I am happy to say that I discovered a system which involved Laying Horses to loose on Betfair and this has been working so great for me now. I get at least 30 points every month with this. This involves using a level stake in every LAY.

This is how I have been working.

Every morning, I get the Horses to LAY - usually about 3-4 Horses max per day.
I log into my BETFAIR account and place the LAY bets in the win market.

I check the result later.

This has been working so well. I no longer have to watch on my pc like I did when I trade the football games. You know all the emotions and judgmental errors that comes with this.

Here with my new method, I no longer have my blood pulse running high. Plus I have the piece of mind that I will win more than I loose every giving month. Thereby watching my income / investment grow. I have done this successfully for months now.

What I plan is to set up a TIPPING service and share this with my subscribers. I will charge a monthly fee for this, but you will make much more than you will ever pay me. I plan to set up the website this week.

The monthly subscription will be around $27 / mo, but I will let everyone test run this for 1 week during which time you pay just $1! Why am I doing this? It is because I know how good the system is, I am allowing you to test run it for 1 whole week almost free! I know that once you see how profitable this my current Horse system is, you will not hesitate to go on with your subscription because you will be making money guaranteed.

So that said, what I will be doing over the next few days is to post my picks here in the morning - around 10 am GMT. You can check here and see for yourself.

Later in the day or first thing in the morning I will post the result. You can also check the results by yourself at www.sportinglife.com check the racing section, full results.

I will be doing this until the website of my tipping service is ready. Then I will start posting the Daily tips on that website. Will then only post results here on this blog. Those who want to receive the daily picks in the morning will have to subscribe at the website of my tipping service.

Hope you check daily and enjoy my service. You can make some money from this